Our mission is to improve eye health and visual acuity in the ageing population, with a focus on treatment and prevention of Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Prevention and Treatment of AMD
We are currently developing a non-invasive treatment of age related macular disease AMD, called “project luCeria”, based on an easy to use daily eyedrop.
Initial tests performed using laboratory models have show great promise and we will move to clinical trials shortly.
About AMD
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a chronic disease that gradually destroys the retina, is the innermost, light-sensitive layer of tissue of the eye. It is a common condition effecting humans as well as both dogs and cats, which reduces visual acuity. Our product, LuCeria, is a colloidal suspension for use in the treatment of a disorder or disease of the posterior segment of the eye. The treatment comprises administration of a topical ophthalmic dose of the colloidal suspension.
Aging and age-related disorders are believed to arise from the cumulative, long-term damage associated with free radical production along with a simultaneous decline in antioxidant defences. AMD, retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma are orphan of treatment.
Through the development of an adequate formulation, LuCeria was retained on the ocular surface enough time to diffuse into the eye and had an adequate permeability to cross barriers to reach the retina. No sign of translocation inside of the body was detected. Ocular topical administration did not cause dry eye, conjunctival inflammation or infection or degeneration, corneal abrasion or erosion, or uveitis.
The topical administration of LuCeria is an efficient delivery route and a sustained administration can activate the expression of genes related to the antioxidant response, to reduce the expression of inflammatory cytokines, and microglial activation, to finally protect photoreceptors.